
FBS 2021 Logo Competition Winner 

We are happy to announce the winner of the 1st Biennial Footwear Biomechanics Symposium Logo Competition 2021!

Filip Gertz Lysdal from Aalborg University, Denmark!

Filip’s inspiration for the logo:

“Globen flyttar till Göteborg” (The Globe Arena is moving to Gothenburg).

Many Scandinavians still remember this somewhat famous April fool’s joke from 2016 where it was reported that the Globe Arena was going to be moved from Stockholm to Gothenburg. There, it was thought to maintain its function as multi-arena for concerts and shows.

While this ended up being a joke, the moving of next year’s 15th biennial Footwear Biomechanics Symposium from Visby to Gothenburg was not. I have tried to reflect this joke by having a globe surrounding the logo.

There is another strong symbol in having a globe as a central part of the logo. FBS is an international event, however, it still remains to be seen how international this event can become in terms of physical attendance in Sweden. Many will most likely be forced to attend online, but this logo symbolizes that we remain united in our research society despite the troubles of a globaliszd world.

(A globe is of course also a sphere – like our retroreflective markers we love to use in Biomechanics).

I always found that the map of Sweden looks like a shank, on which you will find a cluster of crowns (markers). Three crowns are a part of the Royal Swedish flag, and also a part of the Gothenburg Shield.

Finally, the logo is kept in the Swedish yellow and blue colours, but with ‘white’ also playing an essential part – blue and white forms the colours of Gothenburg University.